

If you’re like many people, one of the worst things about the effects of aging is the development of a double chin, which is the excessive sagging of skin under your chin. One reason is that, often, no amount of exercise or dieting can completely eliminate it. This is especially frustrating if you are otherwise in good shape and have minimal amounts of fat elsewhere because it makes you appear heavier or older than you really are. If this sounds familiar, then you might be asking yourself how to get rid of a double chin.

At Kitagawa Dermatology, Honolulu cosmetic dermatology specialist Dr. Kory Kitagawa specializes in double chin treatment, particularly FDA-approved Kybella, a safe, cutting-edge treatment that eliminates unsightly lax skin under your chin. Kybella is an excellent alternative to liposuction, a more invasive surgical procedure that, for years, has been the traditional treatment for a double chin. Get in touch with Dr. Kitagawa to learn more about our cosmetic services and schedule an in-depth consultation in Honolulu by calling (808) 533-4434 or filling out the online contact form.Continue Reading

What is Kybella?

Kybella is approved by the FDA as a profile-enhancing injectables designed specifically to destroy fat cells under the chin that are causing your double chin.

One aspect that makes Kybella unique is a synthetic form of an ingredient that your body naturally makes, deoxycholic acid, which is crucial in your body’s ability to absorb, breakdown, and eliminate fats. Accordingly, Kybella injections into the targeted area permanently destroy all fat cells located there. Once you reach your facial fat treatment goals, further sessions shouldn’t be necessary.

The Benefits of Kybella

You can reasonably expect the following benefits when you undergo this Kybella double chin treatment:

  • Minimally invasive
  • No general anesthesia required
  • No downtime – get back to your day immediately
  • Destruction of targeted fat cells is permanent
  • More sculpted jawline and neck
  • Noticeable results quickly

How to Get Rid of a Double Chin in Half an Hour

An ultrafine needle is used to inject Kybella into the area around and under your chin, so a delicate touch is needed to make the injections properly. That’s why you want to choose an experienced, trained doctor for your double chin treatment.

Kybella injections target and pierce the fat cells, causing the fat to dissolve, after which they can no longer store or accumulate fat. Over the next few weeks and months, your body will naturally flush the fat cells from your system.

Both the number of 30-minute sessions you need and the number of injections you need per session depends on a range of factors, such as how much fat there is under your chin and what type of profile you desire. Typically, patients undergo a series of four to six Kybella treatment sessions spaced four to six weeks apart. As for the double chin injections, the precise number varies from case to case.

Kybella injections don’t normally cause patients much pain. Often, the most severe complication reported is a mild tingling or stinging sensation. However, if you don’t like needles, an ice pack or a topical numbing cream like lidocaine can be applied to the area for maximum comfort during your session.

Due to its minimally invasive nature, Kybella causes very little, if any, downtime. This is especially true with each successive session you undergo. Whatever downtime you do experience is usually minimal. It is recommended, that, after your first treatment, you take it easy for the first 24 to 48 hours.

The effects of your Kybella cosmetic dermatology treatment most likely will become noticeable about a month after your first session and marked improvement after 2 weeks shouldn’t come as a shock, either. With each passing session, your results become more and more noticeable. In fact, if you continue to exercise regularly and follow a good diet, your double chin treatment results will simply look natural and gradual.

Learn more about Kybella at

Kybella Side Effects

Because of the active ingredient in Kybella, deoxycholic acid, naturally occurs in your body, it is biocompatible and safe. This means that undergoing these injections for double chin removal results in few side effects, and the ones that do materialize are usually mild, short-lived, and self-resolving. The most common ones are:

  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Pain or soreness
  • Bruising
  • Numbness

In choosing a skilled, experienced doctor like Dr. Kitagawa, these and other potential side effects are minimized. However, an inexperienced or unskilled doctor could cause more serious side effects to manifest. For example, if the Kybella injections are made too close to the marginal mandibular nerve, which helps control facial expressions, you could see a crooked smile in the mirror.

Eliminate Your Double Chin with Kybella Today

A double chin affects men and women of all ages, so if you have excess facial or chin fat that you’d like to lose without undergoing painful surgery or enduring a long recovery process, Kybella might be an ideal treatment for you. If exercise and diet have reduced fat and sagging skin on other parts of your body but not under your chin, contact us about your circumstances, particularly your double chin treatment goals. Don’t hesitate – contact Kitagawa Dermatology in Honolulu today by scheduling a consultation online or calling (808) 533-4434.

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